Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Plan Ahead

“If a king is about to march on another king to do battle with him, will he not sit down first and consider whether, with ten thousand men, he can withstand an enemy coming against him with twenty thousand?” Luke 14:31

I watched the movie “Elizabeth: The Golden Age” starring Cate Blanchett, a couple of days ago on Netflix. I loved the grand costumes and set designs. The movie is about King Philip II of Spain plotting to put his daughter Isabella on the throne of England. He cuts down the forests of Spain to build the mighty Spanish Armada. 

Alas! This supposedly invincible armada is defeated by Queen Elizabeth I’s naval force off the coast of Gravelines, France after only 8 hours of furious fighting. 

In this verse from the 14th chapter of Luke, Jesus teaches us about how important it is to have a plan. Many of us like to plan our career path, our finances, but do we have a spiritual plan? If we do not align our plans with God’s will for our lives, we might find ourselves like King Philipp with all our dreams destroyed. 


  1. Good advise. Yes a plan in line with God's plan will always be a great success.

  2. Good message and wonderful painting. I love the background texture shows through. hugs, Teresa


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy