Thursday, October 27, 2022

Sing a New Song

“O God, I will sing a new song to you!” Psalm 144:9

Sometimes we get bored with our dull routines and repetitive chores. Our life can get pretty boring if we don’t see the purpose. Brother Lawrence found the secret of joy even doing menial things, like scrubbing floors and peeling potatoes. He was always, always talking to God. 

He wrote, “I have found that we can establish in ourselves a sense of the presence of God by continually talking with Him...I have resolved to make the love of God the end of all my actions.” Even if he had a natural aversion to the kitchen, Brother Lawrence found his work easy during the fifteen years he was stuck doing kitchen duty. 

Perhaps we can start singing a new song to God by imitating Brother Lawrence. Whatever we find tedious, our work, a relationship that needs fixing, taking care of a fractious elder person, we can find new life by “practicing the presence of God”. I can certainly sing a new song while I am doing my work. With God as our partner, we can find new enthusiasm and life in our day! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy