There's nothing to see yet!
Just applied wall putty on the first pages
(this is supposed to be gesso
but I usually use wall putty-
less expensive).
I've joined Tam's free e-course,
Art, Heart and Healing
(not too late to sign up for it).
I'm starting our 2nd week's project,
which is altering a boardbook.
More than a thousand joined up
and it's fabulous to look at the work
that was done for the first week.
We did a journal page.
I didn't have much time to do mine-
did more than my usual touring of WOYWW desks
(excuses, excuses!)
but here is my first week's journal page:

putting a lot of time and effort
for this e-course.
She taught how to make faces
and how to do layering for background
(my goodness, her favorite phrase-
it takes a loooong time!)
What I particularly liked
is she didn't edit her video
when she made mistakes,
so you could see it all works in the end.
See you as we comment
on the WOYWW posts
on Julia of Stamping Ground's