Friday, May 18, 2012

Paint Party Friday: Joy!

Here are some paintings I've been working on.
This one is on an unmounted canvas.

This one on sketchpad paper.

This one on a canvas too.
All of them have wall putty on them
to add texture and stiffness.

On my journal this morning,
a verse from John 16:
"When a woman is in labor,
she is in anguish
because her hour has arrived;
but when she has given birth to a child,
she no longer remembers the pain
because of her joy
that a child has been born into the world."

Nothing worthwhile,
nothing precious comes
without a cost! 

 Linking with 

sneak peek 


  1. Hi Patsy! I love the pretty faces in each of your pieces ~ all so beautiful!

  2. Hi Patsy! I'm checking your blog before I start a long day and I guess it was a right choice. Starting my day with beautiful art works and the word from the Lord make me feel blessed and happy too.

    Have a great day!

  3. Hi Patsy, as usual I love your work. I love the first one as it reminds me of! ANd the scripture one is wonderful, too! I adore your work. Perhaps once the link for Random Journal Day goes up you will link up! I just feel othes should see different journalistic examples and how they are expressed in a variety of ways!Consider! Fondly, Dawn (11:30 PM Eastern is when we go live!)

  4. wow you have had a busy week and these are all going to be so lovely... your style is so consistent and the middle one is very striking...xx

  5. Beautiful paintings, the colors call to me. The theme of joy keeps coming to me today, and it was a delight to find your post. Happy PPF!

  6. Loving your paintings. Happy PPF, Annette x

  7. oh...i love these...i love the mother and child and the verse with it...beautiful...i loved labour and lovemy 6

  8. I like them all, but I am most drawn to your dark haired girl with the brown eyes.

  9. Lovely work. I love the texture and words you used.

  10. I love the contrast between your background and your people!

  11. Wonderful creations ~ color, composition and texture ~ excellent! ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

  12. Such beautiful paintings!

  13. Wow, you are on a creative hot streak, these are all beautiful.

  14. Such happy energetic backgrounds with wonderful women drawn! Happy PPF!

  15. Love the MOTHER AND CHILD with scripture.
    Happy PPF!
    Sheri Cook
    Happy Horse Studio

  16. Wonderful paintings! Very interesting background. :)

  17. beautiful works. I love the idea of wall putty for texture. Happy PPF

  18. Very lovely!
    My favorite is the second, the profile portrait! :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  19. Lovely faces. And really nice backgrounds! :)

  20. "Nothing worthwhile, nothing precious comes without cost." This alone takes my breath away. Smacks me upside of the head, so to speak. And typed on a woman holding a baby--eloquent (and relevant!), indeed. Thank you.

  21. Thank you for that sweet reminder (verse). I needed that! Great artwork! I would've never thought to use wall putty. Happy PPF!

  22. Beautiful painting, Patsy. The layered backgrounds are so well done. I've got to give putty a try someday soon!

  23. thanks for visiting my blog. i wish i could draw like you. your images are very beautiful! straight from the heart.

  24. Anonymous10:27 PM

    So true, nothing worthy of doing is without cost. Your art is lovely.

  25. Ethereal, feminine, reflective; your work touches a woman's soul.

  26. I found your pretty blog...Yippie!!!
    Again, love your art work, and thanks for the message, that means a lot to me.
    Much love, Rayanne

  27. Lovely paintings and the verse could not be more true, as we mothers know.

  28. Love that mom and baby...all good! Wonderful texture in backgrounds! HPPF!

  29. Every time He remakes us we have those birth pangs. Your work is truly a blessing!

  30. I linked here from Sandra's Still Saturday and am so glad to find you. Your paintings are wonderful. I especially love the backgrounds, and the wide-eyed expression in the first painting.

    Blessings to you!

  31. I like the bright colors of the flowers against the sophisticated look of the women...especially in the 1st and 3rd. Nice!

  32. As I look again, maybe the backgrounds aren't flowers?? But they have a great floral feeling... Very spring-y! :-)

  33. Beautiful, the backgrounds with all of their various colors are such a great contrast for the faces!

  34. That verse is so true. The moment those babies were in my arms I forgot everything I had just endured. As always your paintings are beautiful. Love the backgrounds!

  35. love the way you express
    your beauitiful heart
    through all of this loveliness,

  36. Lovely works! Nice words too...

  37. Dear Patsy, I love the lettering on the woman’s blouse in the first painting..and I always love your colors and faces. Thanks for sharing your paintings and scripture thoughts on B&BB. So nice to have you there. May God bless your week in special ways! I’m writing this on a train from Budapest, Hungary to Zagreb, Croatia. I don’t have internet, but I opened up your blog post before the trip so I could read it while traveling. And I’ll paste my comment into a comment box when we arrive. So I’m reading your blog and thinking of you across the globe!

  38. Beautiful Patsy! Your backgrounds always make me smile. Such pretty colors and always fantastic textures!!

  39. All such beautiful works..stunning!
    Happy PPF

  40. How beautifully you creative Patsy! Joy radiates from the faces. I especially love
    "Blessings", the small bird on the flower. I use the lens of my camera to capture His beauty in similiar fashion. May your week be blessed. Am visiting from B&BB this week.

  41. Very well.. I really enjoy this amazing work..keep sharing my dear..

  42. Such wonderful artwork! And the bible verse you chose was touching. I had so much trouble during my pregnancy and relied on the Lord to get us through and since then, every milestone we pass with my 20-month-old is a blessing =)
    Thanks for sharing.

    Visiting from The Rusted Chain

  43. Beautiful and true.

  44. What wonderful paintings, Patxy! I love the way you use scriptures. The backgrounds are also very beautiful.

  45. Hi Pasty, I really love your work, so much gorgeous detail and colour. I need to become your latest follower. Michelle x

  46. I thought I commented before. These paintings are amazing, beautiful, colorful. And this-Nothing worthwhile, nothing precious comes
    without a cost! How we need to remember that. Thanks, Patsy.

  47. I love your gals. Never thought of using putty for texture. Thank you for sharing. Blessings, Janet PPF


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy