Wednesday, August 29, 2012

WOYWW: Stand Firm

Waking up early has its benefits.
For one, everything is quiet.
No one is up yet! 
Here is my desk after reading scripture and the 
meditation for the day.

On the right, I have a canvas I'm starting.
After splattering on some wall putty,
I put paint on with my fingers to start the background.

After reading the story of how John the Baptist lost his head,
and not wanting to draw Salome,
nor the head of John the Baptist for the umpteenth time,
I decided to just cut out words from the meditation:
"Whether we know it or not,
people learn from us every day.
If we choose, we can pass on to others
the character of Christ." (Word Among Us)

Herodias, the wife of Herod,
passed on to Salome, her poor daughter,
her evil ways! 
What do we pass on to our children?

"Stand firm and hold fast!" 2 Th 2:15

All around us, there are bad influences.
But we can be SALT and LIGHT.
We NEED to be salt and light for our families!

Each week I choose one from those who comment
to pick an ATC for me to send them
as a thank you!
I so appreciate your taking the time
to comment!
I know how time consuming it can be!!!
This week, # 19 is Patricia of 
She takes wonderful pictures!

Joining the lovely Julia for a 
peek at desks and projects!
I love blog parties!
Won't you join us?

Linking up with



  1. Stand firm and hold fast. Good words!! Thanks for linking up today!

  2. Your desk make me feel like just drawing up a chair and get arting...

    Wonderful pictures..

    Have a great week.

  3. I love the quiet of the mornings too. Lovely work you have going on there : ). Happy WOYWW! #2

  4. Your drawings are awesome, I cant draw to save my life
    Bridget #3

  5. Wonderful words and it will be another amazing canvas. Enjoy your week.
    Sandra @19

  6. Stopping by for WOYWW, that's a lovely idea for a canvas. It looks like fun from the very start.

  7. Lovely canvas, I'm not sure what I pass on to my daughters, they are both amazing but where they got it from I have no idea!Thank you for my snoop! Happy WOYWW!
    (Lyn) #16

  8. I too love early morning and I agree with your words of wisdom.

  9. LOVE YOUR WORK!!! thanks for sharing
    have a blessed day

  10. Your art work is always amazing. #27

  11. Another blessing to gettin up early is a jump start on WOYWW, beautiful journal page as always. waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  12. I am always blessed by your blog. Love the journal page and yes, I find it quite intimidating when I think about what we unknowingly and unintentionally pass on to our children.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #47

  13. thank you for sharing your art and your meditations...
    i'm holding fast...
    thank you :)
    no. 47

  14. Your desk seems... serene. Love the canvas!

    Terry #58

  15. Stand firm and hold fast is good words for anyone to hold on to! Love the canvas and your beautiful art! Have a great week. Thanks for sharing! Vickie #67

  16. I really love your work!

  17. i love the quiet first thing in the morning too... Just a shame it doesn't happen in my house often enough lol.

    Love the idea of sending out ATC's to a lucky commentor. Maybe I will get lucky one day and one of your creations will have a home in England.

    Emily #58

  18. Gorgeous illustration Patsy and thought provoking as ever. All quiet here too. WOYWW Hugs to you from Helen 73

  19. There’s never anyone around whatever time I get up because there’s only me and BoJangles but I still love the wee small hours when all is still and quiet.
    Beautiful drawings on your desk this morning Patsy.

    Happy Crafting!

  20. I must say my favourite time is the morning too - I usually get up just as it is still a bit dark to listen to the birds first songs! Yes I think it is very important what we pass on to our children - sometimes they don't listen but many years later they hear your voice!
    Lots of hugs,

  21. Fabulous works of art. Hugs Rita 88.

  22. Plenty of "food for thought" - time for a checkup on what I'm passing on to my daughter!
    (Shoregirl - Word Art Wednesday Guest Designer for August)

  23. As always lots to think about when I read your post, super art as always too. Take care Zo xx 118

  24. Hi Patsy! Another great post from your heart and beautiful art as well. You're always such an encouragement. Have a blessed week, and thanks for blessing us!
    Karen L
    Word Art Wednesday

  25. Oh yes, John the Baptist. Men are probably very relieved that most women ask for simpler things these days (diamonds, nice clothes, cars, crafting goodies). Heads? Not so much. I had a great time visiting again today.

  26. I love this: "Whether we know it or not,
    people learn from us every day.
    If we choose, we can pass on to others
    the character of Christ." (Word Among Us)

    Thank you for sharing with me how to use the random generator.

    You are so prolific - I wish I had some of your energy.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay #17

  27. I love morning as well... So peaceful and it seems I can hear from God so much clearer. Bless you!

  28. Your work is gorgeous, as ever! Your canvas is looking lovely.. can't wait to see how it turns out. :)

    Thanks for sharing.

    Ali #98

  29. A good question Patsy..for me, it starts and ends with role modelling for our children...nice meditation this morning!

  30. Morning is my favorite time :). I can understand why you didn't want to paint John's head! I like what you came up with instead. Beautiful, Patsy!

  31. Wow love your paintings! You're really talented. :) Happy WOYWW! ♥
    Roudi #154

  32. Great Word! Stand Strong, He will make us Able!
    Lovely blog too!! I just book marked it!
    Ginny #34

  33. I love the early morning quiet, I just enjoy it in bed with a huge cup of tea and my ipad..perusing my scrappy youtube sites and blogs.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy