Friday, April 05, 2013

Paint Party Friday: Open My Mind

Sometimes it can be hard to understand
God's Word.
So I pray ,"Open my mind 
so I can understand the Scriptures!"
I don't think we can ever hope
to really KNOW God!
It's like an ant or a bacteria
trying to cope with the immensity of the universe
with its little brain!
But we can KNOW God's mercy,
God's grace, God's love.
That does not need figuring it!
We merely need to walk with Him!

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose,
Laura is a wonderful writer!
Go check out her blog


  1. wonderful illustrations from the bible Patsy. Happy PPF, Annette x

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, dear Patsy. Your painting is wonderful.
    Happy PPF and hugs

  3. Beautiful work. I love the prayer.

  4. What lovely work!

  5. I am so blessed to know that you pray to ask God to open your mind to understand the scriptures, Patsy. This is the only way we can truly know Him and know His will for our lives. I have some dear Catholic friends (in Ohio) and their church (Father of their perish) discourages them from reading or studying the Word on their own. He tells them that they cannot interpret it on their own, so they don't read or study it, and I try to tell them they are missing out on such great JOY and comfort. It blesses me to know that you are blessed this way. I pray that they will know the comfort of His Word (on their own), and letting His Holy Spirit help them interpret His Word. I pray for them all the time. They are beautiful people, and I believe they are saved, but when I share verses with them, it's as if they have never heard it before. Perhaps different churches have different rules, I'm not sure, but nonetheless, I am so blessed to hear you say this. I pray for all Christians to know this great joy and comfort. Thank you for sharing and blessing me once again.
    Word Art Wednesday

  6. Always a joy to see what you've created...beautiful! happy PPF!

  7. Dear Patsy, each week your blog is such a wonderful inspiration. Your scripture quotes are always timely and your art such a delight to view.

  8. Patsy,
    I believ He has answered your prayers in so many ways. Such a beautiful piece of art.
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful artwork with us this week.
    Carole Robb Bisson
    Word Art Wednesday
    The Blessing of the LORD be Upon You!

  9. I love the peaceful expressions on their faces as I contemplate the prayers and thoughts their pictures illustrate.

  10. This last Easter had me deeply contemplating on God's mercy. It truly is amazing grace. :)

  11. I love your illustrations - of course, the source is very wonderful. A friend told me that every time I sit down with God's word, it is a special appointment with Him, which He knew about before I was born. So - I approach my time with God now as that special appointment knowing that He has some special understanding to give me. HPPF

  12. Beautiful artwork Patsy, I too find that if I pray before opening the bible for understanding it does come. Once again beautiful.

  13. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Lovely art work so filled with color, great composition and inspiration ~ ^_^

  14. Thank you so much for coming over and blessing us by linking up, Patsy! I continue to be encouraged and inspired by your beautiful ministry of scripture based art! Happy almost SUNDAY! ;)

  15. Oh these are wonderful! The top one is sooo beautiful!

  16. Lovely artwork... :)

  17. My little drawing look so silly with work like this!
    Cheers from Cottage Country!

  18. Lovely paintings, shining with spirituality! <3

  19. Lovely art and sentiments! Your women sparkle with life!

  20. Thanks for sharing your awesome work! Very inspiring words....xoxo

  21. oh yes... open my mind!! beautiful pieces, patsy! :)

  22. The first painting is my "favoritest" of all. Maybe because I love God's Word so much. That's my heart's cry, "Open my mind, Lord."

  23. Such beautiful prayers and artwork, Patsy. The first piece has such an amazing, peaceful feel to genuine surrender.

  24. The 2 gals are beautiful. I love the look of them. Reading the Bible over and over gives deeper meaning every time I do. . . even another perspective. It is wondrous. Blessings, Janet PPF


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy