The continuation of that verse is, "spending the night in communion with God." When my son wants to spend time to talk with me, I am delighted. So too does the Father take pleasure in our company. He is so happy when we take time off, select a special place (doesn't have to be a mountain!), to spend time with Him. We don't have to have special words, a different more pedantic tone of voice to speak to our Father. We just have to be ourselves. We just have to be honest and open and willing to listen.

In John 10:27 it says, "My sheep hear my voice." If we are His sheep, His child, part of His people, hearing Him is the default mode. A.W. Tozer said, “A person who does not believe that God speaks will discount it when He does speak, every time.” God does speak, but like everything in life, if we want to be good at hearing God, we have to take the time to DO IT! Do what? Get to know Him. Read His word. Spend time talking to Him. Listening to Him.

Lord, I know You want to speak to us! You did and are doing everything just so we, Your children, get to know You, and hear You. You even sent Your Son so He could talk to us and we have a means to really get to know You and what You value. Thank You that You put no limits to our intimacy with You. The more we know You, the more we will be able to hear You!
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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy