"As long as Moses kept his hands raised up, Israel had the better of the fight, but when he let his hands rest, Amalek had the better of the fight." Exodus 17:11

Almost all the Catholic readings for today are about prayer. Exodus 17:8-13 is about how Israel won the war against Amalek by keeping Moses' hands up. When Moses grew tired, Aaron and Hur both held up Moses' arms so his arms remained raised.
Psalm 121 declares that our help is from the Lord who made heaven and earth, and how He will guard us from evil. Luke 18:1-8 is about the parable of the widow who got the corrupt judge to give her justice because of her persistence.

We face many challenges these days, and instead of complaining and grumbling, we should look to the Lord who neither slumbers nor sleeps. We may not see our enemy, like Israel saw Amalek who waged war against them, but we can be sure that there are forces arrayed against us. Our country, our Churches, our neighborhoods, our children, we are all in the line of fire. There is only one sure way to win against this enemy. We need to keep our hands up, and we need to be persistent. "Will not God then do justice to His chosen who call out to Him day and night?" Jesus promised in Luke 18:7.
Lord, thank You for Your many promises in Your Word. We look to You and keep our hands raised, for You our are help. Thank You for guarding our coming and our going, both now and forever.
Great painting and reminder. It reminds of the 70s song, "Hands up; baby, hands up; gimme your heart; gimme gimme your heart." That's what our Papa God is saying to us. :) Here is the link if you want to hear it: https://youtu.be/XWsvzko1fkY