Saturday, June 09, 2018

In My Father’s House

“You should have known that I would be in My Father’s house.” Luke 2:49

We should spend more time in our Father’s house. There is such an abundance of blessing when we are in the presence of the One who loves us best, the maker of our bodies, minds and hearts. I see Him tinkering, fine tuning, putting things in the right places as the Bible says in Psalm 16:6: “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”

If we do not take the time to bring our car for maintenance, and just keep using it until it needs repair, it will not run in optimal condition. Basic car servicing saves us time, money, and reduces the risk of a breakdown. So it is with our bodies, minds and hearts. We need regular time with our Maker. Let us not run to Him only when we are in trouble. 

When we take time to connect to God every day, we will be able to build an intimate relationship with the One who knows us best. The One who only wants to give us good things. The One who wants the absolute best for us. Sometimes we settle for mediocre. Sometimes we are deceived by the glittering things the world offers, or the things that excite us, or what makes us feel good. Talking to our Father, just being silent with Him, will help us see the truth if we want to see the truth. 

When something bothers us, and there’s always something, we can lay it at the feet of God knowing that our concerns are His concerns. In Our Father’s house, there are many mansions, many rooms, and there is always a place for us there. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy