Thursday, June 07, 2018


“Love your neighbor as yourself.” 
Mark 12:31

 We are all connected. It is very distressing when we see so much disagreement and disunity in our nation. Even if we do not see eye to eye, we should be civil and kind because in reality we are all neighbors. 

A farmer, who grew award-winning corn in a state fair every year, was interviewed by a newspaper reporter. The reporter found out that the farmer shared his corn seed with his neighbors. “Why do you do that?” he asked. “Aren’t they in competition with you?”

The farmer explained that the wind picks up the pollen from the corn and blows it from one field to the other. “If my neighbor grows inferior corn, the cross-pollination will surely affect the quality of my corn! I have to help my neighbors grow good corn so I can consistently have good quality corn.” 

We need to help others live better lives. It is not enough to work hard to get richer, to be able to afford a nice house, cars or vacations abroad while many live lives of quiet desperation. We cannot have peace if others around us are at war. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy