Monday, August 05, 2019

Rejoice in Trials

“We see nothing but this manna.” Numbers 11:6

After being delivered from slavery, and miraculously crossing the Red Sea, the Jews were grumbling and complaining about manna from heaven. The manna fell with the dew every night without fail. Instead of thanking God for His faithful provision, the Israelites moaned and groaned, and their leader Moses complained to God, “I cannot carry all these people by myself, for they are too heavy for me.” 

Sometimes we see God’s gifts and miracles as burdens. Have we not moaned and groaned about our work or people in the office? a family member who needs extra care? our house that needs fixing? All we see are the problems. 

We need to change our lenses to gratitude lenses. Instead of seeing our problems as something to grumble about, see them as gifts. Challenges are God’s creative way to mould us. 

In Romans 5:3-4, Saint Paul advises that we should rejoice in our trials and tribulations: knowing that tribulation produces steadfastness, patience and perseverance. This in turn develops strength of character in us. When we are undergoing some trial or testing, let us be confident that God is doing some perfecting in us. Just like any master potter, He will knead and mold, and carve. He will throw us on the potter's wheel again and again to make us into the masterpiece He plans. 

Lord, it may be hard to rejoice in the trials and sufferings we sometimes go through. May we always be aware that You walk with us during these times, and may we be confident that You are doing some important work in us. Amen

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy