Wednesday, October 23, 2013

WOYWW: Weapon of Righteousness!

Happy WOYWW!!!
Here's my workdesk this morning-
I was making backgrounds yesterday
as I only had one left.
There's my sponge, one of my favorite
ways of making texture on backgrounds.

And here are the backgrounds I've started-
I left them drying on my plastic drawers.

Here is what I read this morning-
"Present yourselves to God...
as weapons for righteousness."
Romans 6:13
I am sure this is not my first time to 
come across this verse but this is
the first time it has made an impression on me.

We are supposed to be weapons
because there is a battle going on around us.
That is why there is so much 
going on around us 
that needs to be corrected.

So many people need to be freed
from despair, self-pity, confusion, loneliness, 
so many trapped by unforgiveness,
ungratefulness, lack of confidence,
desire for money and power, etc.

We should not use our eyes to see our flaws,
our tongue for gossip and slander and lies,
our hands to slap and twist arms,
our feet to bring us to places we should not go,
our heart to hate.
Any part of our body can be used as a missile
to destroy others or destroy ourselves!!!

But the parts of our bodies can also be used
to bring joy, to unite people together,
to teach good things.
Our eyes should look around to find 
people we can help,
our tongue to speak kindness 
and encouragement,
our hands to serve others and to heal,
our feet to take us on the right path 
and our heart to love
and our mind to seek wisdom and understanding!

A weapon of righteousness!
What an image!!!

Really we have a choice before us-
to be a weapon of righteousness
or a weapon of destruction!

Lord, thank you for the privilege
to be your hands, feet, arms,
your mouth, your heart!!!
Use me, Lord, as a weapon of righteousness!!!

Join me as I do 31 Days of posts,
writing from the HeART!
You'll find other fascinating posts
on The Nester, all doing a series of 31 Days!!!

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose
 #11, Peggy Gato of 
Visit Peggy for  a wide range 
of inspiration!


  1. Well, please excuse my tardy thanks!!!!! I have been in and out of town and then I lost this post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    hugs from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Lovely backgrounds! Romans is often a place of refuge and inspiration for me.
    thanks for the snoop around,neighbor,
    robyn 9

  3. Lovely as always Patsy!
    Happy WOYWW from #3!

    Create With Joy

  4. Beautiful work as always!! Your blog is always full of such inspiration..thank you!! Happy WOYWW.
    Janene #5

  5. wonderful thoughts and clever clever art work too there Patsy thanks for being a blessing and sharing, happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #16 I think

  6. Patsy, the journey through your blog was amazing!

    Hugs, Robin #23

  7. Isn't it wonderful how, no matter how many times we may read the scriptures, there is something new for us?

    #32 this week with
    happy mail

  8. I love that - no need more backgrounds, so you make more backgrounds. In the mornings, when you're working on the picture for your morning reading - do you take the first background of the top of the pile, or do you angst over which one to use? Guess which way I would be?!!!

  9. What a blessed way of looking at that Scripture.......... and I love seeing the way your picture 'arrives'
    Thank you for sharing
    Bishopsmate #77

  10. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Patsy! I am super excited I found your blog! I love this post, but I am excited about going back through your 31 day challenge as well!! You are very talented, both as an artist and a writer!! Thanks for sharing!!
    (visiting from Winsome Wednesday)

  11. Your backgrounds are just gorgeous, and as always your illustration of scripture is sublime.

    No, I never read that verse that way, either. The KJV and the NASB both say "instruments of righteousness," but I still never thought about it as carefully as you did. What version are you reading from?

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #18

  12. Love the journal page...Weapons of righteousness is an excellent verse. I am contemplating the armour of God at the moment and it may find its way into a journal page one of these days! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#74)

  13. Anonymous2:21 AM

    I want to come, sit down with you and learn how to make beautiful art like you do! Yours is on my desk, encouraging me! You are right - we have a choice - to be a weapon for righteous or destruction! So wanting to instill that in my boys - and fire them up for righteousness!

  14. Amen, Patsy! Let us pray we will be beautiful weapons for righteousness for the world to see Jesus.
    Margaret #64

  15. love all your backgrounds, particularly the one that you drew the girl on, thanks for sharing Donna #52

  16. Beautiful words and beautiful images. Thank you for sharing your gift!

  17. Patsy,
    I am always blessed when I visit your blog...glad I linked up behind you at Emily W's blog...Thanks for sharing what God showed you :)

  18. Another wonderful post and super awesome art, Patsy. I know that personally, I often forget to put on the full armor of God, and that this is when I am most vulnerable. God has prepared us and equipped us properly, but we have to properly apply it all to our lives for Him to do His complete work in us. You inspire me again and again, and I thank God for you!
    Word Art Wednesday

  19. Another wonderful artworks here, Patsy! Love the step by step development of your artwork and the final result is always beautiful. Thanks for blessing us with a great project this week at Word Art Wednesday. Hugs always!

    JO ANN


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy