"He wrote that commandment for you because of your stubbornness."
Mark 10:5

Some Pharisees came to test Jesus about divorce, whether it was permissible. Jesus told them that Moses wrote that commandment because of man's stubbornness. In my other Bible it says, "hardness of heart". Then Jesus went on to say that no man should separate what God has joined, they are no longer two but one flesh.
I am attending a workshop in Cagayan de Oro, in Mindanao, in a place where President Duterte is favored and loved. It's a great workshop, and the people I've met are wonderful and God- fearing. Only one thing has marred my peace and I have been pondering and praying about it. There are some Bible-believing and obeying brothers and sisters here who believe, like the President, that we should have the death penalty instituted and the senators fighting against the measure are in the wrong.
I would have thought that when one believes in God and reads His word and obeys it, one would also believe that nothing is impossible with God and even the hardest criminal could turn his life around and make a valuable contribution to our society. Why would anyone deprive him of that chance? There are innumerable stories of hardened criminals who repented and turned their life around after an encounter with God.
I have talked to many inmates in QC Jail, some of them have confessed to murder. But they are now attending Bible Studies and singing praise songs. One man was sentenced to life imprisonment for a crime he didn't commit. After God's intervention, he is now a driver for my sister's family. After his years in prison, he knows the Bible better than most people I know!
Will God permit the death penalty instituted in our country? Only because of our hard hearts and stubbornness!
Lord, may we see Your heart of compassion and mercy reign in our country. May we see Your face in not only the poor, but in the real pitiable, those who commit sin and make big mistakes because they do not know You.
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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy