"It is not good for man to be alone..." Genesis 2:18

God is so involved in our lives that He sees our needs and meets it. What God did for Adam in the garden visibly, He does for us today invisibly. He saw that Adam needed a partner, a helpmate suitable for him. He made a woman and in v. 22, God "brought her to the man". Brought. It's in all my Bibles. God brought Eve to Adam. He is the first matchmaker! He certainly brought me to Luigi (big smile)!
I do believe God brings people into our lives because it is not good for us to be alone. He knows we need friends, mentors, helpmates, encouragers and people who support and appreciate us. It's good to have a spouse, friends, loving relationships that God brings into our life. BUT people change and may disappoint us, relationships can be risky, messy and costly. WE change. No one, not even our spouse, can fully satisfy us, truly understand us, accept us, and give us everything we need.

But there is ONE who can. Lord, I know that I can come to You in my brokenness, with all my idiosyncrasies and failings and sins. You accept me as I am. You are my true forever and ever friend! And I can be a better wife and mother, a more sincere friend, a more loving companion to others because of Your overflowing mercy and grace. I look to You first to fill me up so I can be a channel of Your love to others.
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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy