"My eyes have seen your saving deed..." Luke 2:30

Do our eyes and ears catch it when Jesus saves us? I think He saves us every minute, every second of the day. We just don't see. We don't catch it. Yesterday I was watching "This is Us" while painting. Usually only half of my mind is on the TV, but when this girl asked the dying father, "What does it feel like? Dying?" I listened. He said it was like he was trying to capture bits and pieces of life flying around him and he couldn't. It was elusive. When he heard his son laughing, or when he was hugging his grandchild, he would try to hold on to the moment. But he couldn't. Then he said to this girl, who was quite discontented with her life, "You young people, you think life just goes on and on. But one day you will get old and then it's gone. You don't appreciate what's before you. If a handsome young man who adores you, offers you pie, say thank you." She then goes back into the house when before she was leaving in a huff, and kisses the young man.
Don't we live our life like that, not realizing the treasures we have? We get irritated with people we love, get into a bad mood because if traffic, groan about the slow internet, get miserable with the heat, or any little thing.
In today's Bible verse we meet Simeon. He is one of the anawim, the forgotten, the oppressed, the poor. The Hebrew anawim means those who are bowed down. He remained faithful and awaited the good things of the Lord to fill His emptiness. How long had Simeon waited to see God's saving deed? Do we wait on the Lord?
Lord, may my eyes see Your saving deeds and may my ears hear Your saving words. May I not miss it every time You have a message for me, a nugget of wisdom, a person You bring into my life to share the Good News with. How many treasures You send my way, Lord! May I appreciate what I have here and now!
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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy