"Do you still not see or comprehend? Mark 8:17

It is reassuring in a way that even if the disciples were always with Jesus, they still could not understand some of the things He taught them. Many times when things happen in our life, we ask, "Why, Lord? Why me? Why now?"
In many ways, we are like His disciples, traveling with Him in this boat called life. Sometimes we think He is sleeping and cannot hear us. There's a storm and thunder and He still doesn't wake up. There's a terrifying diagnosis, a wake up call, dire straits in the office, a child gone wild. Lord, we cry, what are You teaching me? I do not understand!!!
Although God does not cause the trials, He is with us throughout the trials, all throughout the storm and terrifying noise of it. In Hebrew 13:5, God promises, "I will never abandon you." The original Greek translates to a triple negative, never never never. Ever! We can hold on to that in the times we do not understand. We can trust Him. The mother of Stasi Eldredge suffered much throughout her long years of cancer, but she chose to trust God amidst her pain. When she died, Stasi found this note amongst her things: "I had an unexpected diagnosis, and it has been the most awesome, rewarding, and glorious time God has ever given to me."

Lord, may I see Your face in all the events in my life. May I, even in my confusion and lack of understanding, continue to trust You, knowing You will turn everything around me into good because I love You!
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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy