“My eyes have seen your saving deed...” Luke 2:30

There are very few stories about the time when Jesus was a baby, and even less of Him as a child growing up. One of them includes an old man named Simeon, whose name in Hebrew means “to hear”. Although Simeon had no calendar, he was waiting for his appointment with destiny. It had been revealed by the Holy Spirit that he would not die until he had seen the awaited Messiah.
And so Simeon went to the temple that day and was rewarded. Joseph and Mary brought the baby Jesus to the temple to present Him. They offered a pair of pigeons as a sacrifice, and unknowingly, the beloved lamb of God.
We too like Simeon, should have our ears attuned to the Lord’s coming. The Lord reveals Himself in many ways, and He will show His face to those who seek Him. After all, did Jesus not say, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me”?
If Jesus stands at the door and knocks, it means He is waiting, waiting for us to open the door and let Him in. He is not going to barge in, demanding that we listen to Him. It is up to us, if we open our hearts, our minds, our spirits, to hear just as Simeon heard, the call of the Master. Jesus is actually very “romantic”. He wants to woo us. He is not the caveman type, with a club, and a desire to dominate. He is kind, He is gentle, and He gives us the choice to listen to Him or not.
If we open the door, we will marvel like Simeon, at what God will do in our lives.
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:^) Patsy