“He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters...” Psalm 23:2

In Japan, there is such a thing as forest bathing or forest therapy, or in Japanese, “Shinrin-yoku”. It was developed in the 80’s, and it has become the heart of their preventive health care. The proponents believe that just taking a walk in the forest or any natural environment, helps us in so many amazing ways by relaxing us, quieting our mind, stimulating our immune system and relieving chronic stress. Studies have shown lots of health benefits in this and in the States, there are guided tours in forests for $30 per person. The guide will invite you to notice the stream, or to touch the dirt, things like that.
We don’t have to pay someone $30 to bring us through green fields and quiet pastures. We have a Shepherd who teaches us in Psalm 23, that to reduce our stress, all we need is to walk with Him. He will guide us, and teach us, how our soul and spirit can be restored, and how we need have no anxiety or fears about anything. When we walk with our Shepherd, “goodness and lovingkindness will follow us all the days of our lives.”
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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy