Wednesday, December 19, 2018

To Birth a Dream

“My words will certainly come true at the proper time.” Luke 1:20

These were the words of the angel Gabriel to the Jewish priest Zechariah. While Zechariah was burning incense inside the sanctuary by himself, Gabriel appeared to him. He announced that the prayers of Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth had  been heard and Elizabeth, even in her old age, would bear a son. 

There are many stories in the Bible about women who were barren, who received intervention from God, and were given a son. There’s Elizabeth who was too old to bear children, Zorah who gave birth to Samson, Rebekah, Sarah, Hannah, and Rachel. Each of these women turned to God in their brokenness and hopelessness. 

How about us? Sometimes we can be spiritually barren, feeling hopeless, guilty, messed up. What we don’t know is if we turn to God and make a space for Him, He will show us His plan. We need to come before God like these women did. To birth a dream, we need God’s power and grace. Sometimes we think a miracle is when God gives us what we want. Isn’t it a greater miracle when we yield to what God wants for us? His plans are much greater than what we can conceive for ourselves. This Advent season, let us pray as Jesus prayed, “Your will be done”, and wait for God’s design to unfold in a wonderful way! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy