Sunday, February 04, 2024

For This Purpose Jesus Came

“Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this purpose I have come,” Jesus said. (Mark 1:38) 

Jesus wanted to reach as many people as possible in His three year ministry. And He also asked His apostles to do the same. St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 9, wrote: “If I preach the gospel, this is no reason for me to boast, for an OBLIGATION has been imposed on me, and WOE to me if I do not preach it!” Before Jesus went up to heaven, He instructed His disciples: “Go forth to the whole world and preach the Gospel to every creature. Whoever will have believed and been baptized will be saved. Yet truly, whoever will not have believed will be condemned.” (Mark 16:15-16) Take note that Jesus said, “condemned”. We do not hear this often in today’s preaching because we prefer to believe that not many will be sent to hell by a loving God.

My son had the chance to ride The Maid of the Mist on a tour of the mighty Niagara Falls last year. It was an awesome experience for him. Many many years ago, in July 9, 1960, an uncle brought his niece and nephew to see the falls on his powerboat. Although many people do this in the summer when the current is fairly gentle, unfortunately for them the engine of the 12 foot aluminum fishing boat failed and they did not have a radio. The Coast Guard patrolling the area did not see the boat until it was already caught in the powerful pull of the river. So many people were watching with fear and helplessness. 

The uncle had only two life jackets and he gave them to the children. When the boat overturned as it hit a shoal, the uncle disappeared into the water and was killed. The young boy, 7 year old Roger Woodward, amazingly by God’s grace, hit the right channel in the surging Horseshoe falls, he plummeted over and yet survived the plunge! The Captain of the Maid of the Mist at the time, Clifford Keech, was able to steer the boat to rescue the crying boy from the water. 

The boy’s 17 year old sister, Deanne, was not as fortunate. She got trapped in another channel, and was banged to and fro by the strength of the rapids. About twenty yards from the falls, a man jumped into the river and she was able to grab his thumb. Another man caught a hold of him, and between them, and many people on the bank pulling them to safety, she was saved just 6 meters from the edge! 

Father Charles Caput in his book, “Living the Catholic Faith”, uses this true story to show what becoming a Christian is about. He says each of us is that girl. “We’re all swept along, beaten up, and paralyzed by a river of sin…In the grip of that river, we can see our own deaths just over the brink. No matter how strong a swimmer we may be, no matter how hard we struggle, we can’t do anything about it on our own. We can’t save ourselves. Then a Savior jumps into the current, for no reason other than wanting to save us. And He pulls us to safety.” 

That is why Jesus came, that is why He gave His life. That is why He wanted His disciples, and wants you and me to spread the gospel. So we can bring others to the safety of His Father’s arms. “For this purpose I have come.”

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy