"He that offers praise as a sacrifice glorifies me." Psalm 50:23

What is the meaning of sacrifice? In the olden times, it is usually an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God or gods. In the movies, we see elaborate rituals where virgins in flowing dresses are brought to an altar or a volcano to be immolated. In this verse in Psalm 50, God says that praise is a sacrifice that glorifies and honors Him. He delights in it.
I have to confess that I do not offer praise as much as I should. But when I do, I get going for it is enjoyable, and lifts my spirits. I have experienced feeling as if I was in God's throne room along with the myriads of angels and saints lifting their voices and hearts in heavenly song in praise and worship.
For Lent, we can offer songs and poems and chants to God in sacrifice. We can offer our time spent just praising, adoring, loving Him who first loved us.
I praise You Lord! How can I repay all the good You have done for me?