Thursday, April 09, 2020


“How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good He has done for me?” Psalm 116:12

An old man was charged a lot of money for the oxygen he used in the hospital. He started crying and the woman in the cashier’s counter asked him why he was crying, was it because he did not have money to pay the bill? “No, oh no,” the man answered, “I have been breathing oxygen my entire life and God has not asked me to pay for anything!” 

Indeed we cannot repay God’s goodness to us. Our bodies with fingers that work, feet that walk, hearts that pump, are all miracles. How much would we be willing to pay just to have eyes to see? An opposable thumb? Healthy lungs? Even the sensitivity to feel physical pain is a gift! Feeling physical pain is vital for survival, and it is common for people with congenital analgesia to die in childhood due to injuries or illnesses going unnoticed. So many blessings we take for granted! 

So however we are feeling right now, out of sorts, anxious, confused, uncertain, it is always the right time to praise the Lord. God is always worthy of our praise whether we feel like praising Him or not. Praising God makes us strong and is an essential weapon in our fight against the invisible enemies out to destroy us. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy