Thursday, April 02, 2020

Look Up

“Look to the Lord in His strength; seek to serve Him constantly.” Psalm 105:4

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote that, “Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, and faith looks up." The year 2020 has been quite unbelievable, so many things have happened already. There was that almost explosion of Taal Volcano, that almost war between US and Iran, and now this global pandemic. My favorite meme goes: “Dear God, please reboot 2020. It has a virus".

If I didn’t know that God can work the worst situation into good, and He is already doing it now, amidst all the chaos and confusion of this standstill for most of us, I could easily go into a panic attack. But I know that the worse a situation gets, it only gives God more material to work with. I feel like we are in the middle of a suspense movie, and we are moving towards the climax. The plot is so complex, we do not know what the ending could be. But since we know the hero never dies, we are excited and nervous, but we know the ending is going to be great! 

God is in control. He holds our lives in His hands. He can make a way where there is no way. He will never abandon nor forsake us. Instead of “looking around” in anxiety at what is happening, the mounting death toll, the hungry people mounting protests, the lack of equipment to protect our health workers, we need to “look up” in faith. After praying, praying, praying, we can be sure of God’s steadying hand on our lives, and we can act secure in His presence. 

There are so many things we can do to bring light into this dark situation. We can donate funds to the many fund drives and food banks, we can volunteer to make face shields like my sister, we can encourage our friends and neighbors, and of course we can pray for the sick, and those who are working for our safety, and so much more. We may not know what tomorrow brings, but we can be certain who holds our future! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy