Sunday, June 19, 2022

Loaves and Fishes

“Five loaves and two fish are all we have, unless we ourselves go and buy food for all these people.” Luke 9:13

Does God still multiply bread? Is He still in the business of miracles? I believe so. Just like He used the little boy who gave his five barley loaves and two fish to feed five thousand people, He uses Joe Dean Sola who gives his all to feed thousands of street children. That was not Joe Dean’s plan at all. He wanted to be a drug lord and become rich. He used Bible pages to wrap marijuana in to smoke. But one day Joe Dean saw 2 street kids in a waiting shed. He gave them food to eat, and gave them a bath. On August 10, 1996, he founded He Cares for street children in his garage. He cooked food for them, and cleaned them up. 

In 2013, he challenged the street toughies who sniffed rugby to give him their 5 pesos instead of using it to buy rugby. He promised to build them a house. True enough, the construction of the 3 story building started in April 2014. In Sept. 19, 2015, the structure which can accommodate 100 boys was finished. 

Joe Dean answered God’s call to give his all for God’s precious abandoned lost children. Today, the caring center on no. 9 Mines street, Project 6, QC, feeds thousands of kids, sends about 500 to school, and has brought them all back to the love of the Father. 

Today, Joe Dean is working on making his dream of a farm for the children come to fruition. Nothing stops his enthusiasm to serve His big God. And God continues to supply what Joe Dean needs. If you would like to help, visit and be part of The Promised Land Sustainable Farm Community. There are 37 people on the farm, and they are building a church, campsite, and homes. Right now, they need seedlings, fruit bearing trees, and organic fertilizer. 

Let us always be open to be part of God’s miracles around the world and give our loaves and fishes to God’s work in the midst of us. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy