"Here comes the master dreamer!" Genesis 37:19

Joseph's brothers were so irritated with him. Why? Was it because he was so obviously their father's favorite? Did they hate him because of the dreams of superiority over them? Was it because Joseph would tell their father some of the bad things his half-brothers were doing? Yes, all that and more! As the story progresses, we see how Joseph was guided by the Spirit of God to do the right things, and to move into positions where God could use him more and more.
And his brothers? We do not want to be like Joseph's brothers! They just went from bad to worse! Plotting to kill their brother, selling him to traders and lying to their father Jacob! We should be careful not to end up like them! They allowed their baser instincts, their tortuous hearts, to control their actions! Where was God's spirit of love and wisdom all this time? Being stifled!
Can we say that everything we do is in line with what God wants us to do? Do we always act in love and wisdom and truth? Is our life wholly surrendered to and dependent upon the Holy Spirit?
Lord, there is always more of Your truth to uncover in the Bible, more of Your character to discover, more of Your love to experience, more of Your power to use in our life! May we be like Joseph, Your favorite, who encountered You even in his most desperate moments. May we also be dreamers for You, thirsty to experience everything You have planned for us!
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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy