"He is risen, exactly as He promised." Matthew 28:6

Yesterday the women were confused, uncertain, huddling together for comfort, and too afraid to move. This morning was another day, not the same as any other day, certainly, for they would have to confront the reality of the tomb. It was just sunrise, and they decided to be brave together. They took burial spices that they had bought and prepared for Jesus' body. On the way, they were discussing quietly about who would roll the stone away from the tomb's entrance as it was heavy. When they arrived, they saw that the stone, the huge stone had been rolled away.
They looked at each other, hesitated, then rushed to peer inside. Eyes wide, hearts beating fast, they saw the wrappings, two piles, NO BODY! Where was the body?!! Where could they have put Him?!!

Everything was strange today! There was an angel there, his face shining like lightning, his clothing blindingly white. The guards had ran away in fear when the angel rolled aside the stone. The angel said, "Do not be afraid. I know you are looking for Jesus. He is not here. He is risen exactly as He promised. Now go tell His disciples!"
The women ran quickly. They were frightened certainly, but also filled with great joy and excitement. The story is NOT finished. There is still more to come!
And so it is every Easter! The story continues with us! We too should be filled with fear and trembling at this amazing miracle God has done for us! Because Jesus lives, WE have new life in Him. This is not something to take for granted. We too like the women at the tomb, should be eager to spread the news!
Lord, use me! To heal the broken hearted, to speak Your Words to those who need it, to bind up wounds, to give strength to the weary, sight to the blind! Anything is possible because You live!
Hello, Patsy!
ReplyDeleteHAPPY EASTER! He is Risen, and by His grace we are saved. I want you to know that I keep you in my prayers. I miss seeing your art and having you play along with us at Word Art Wednesday. However, that doesn't change my love for you, and our eternal connection through our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I hope you are doing well and that your Easter is blessed. I miss you, and just want you to know that you are in my prayers and I praise God for you!
Karen Letchworth
Word Art Wednesday
www.karen-mycuprunnethover.blogspot.com - my personal blog