"Yes Lord, I have come to believe that You are the Christ the Son of God." John 11:27

This is what Martha confessed even before Jesus performed His greatest sign of raising her brother Lazarus from the dead. We too should come to Jesus believing before He does signs and wonders for us. We do not have to wait to believe.
Yesterday, my 90 year old father fell at dawn, when he was all alone. He got out of bed to turn off the air conditioner as the room had become too cold for him. He slipped and fell. Because of that fall, it became excruciating for him to sit up, to stand or even move on the bed. After consultation with my brother-in-law who was a doctor, we brought my dad to the hospital in an ambulance as there was no way we could get him there by car.
Thankfully, my dad was still joking around with the ambulance nurse and driver, with us, even while he would grimace now and then with pain. All this while, my family were all praying. I also called on my brothers and sisters in our Ligaya and Pathways communities to storm heaven with us for God's favor. Since it took so long before my dad was brought for a CT scan, and longer still for the results to come out, we had so much time to pray and confess healing verses from the Bible.
Even before the results came out, my dad started to say the pain was getting less. He could lay on his side. Then he could walk to the bathroom. He could move without so much pain! Then finally at about 4 pm, the results came out. No fractures! Oh the relief! "Yes Lord, I believe!" I believe all the prayers worked. I see my brothers and sisters as prayer warriors breaking down the enemies' fortresses.
Thank You Lord, I am so grateful, You continue to show us, just like You showed Martha and Mary, that our concerns are Yours as well. Thank You for answering our prayers! Thank You for brothers and sisters who stood in the gap and hemmed us with their prayers!
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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy