"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me..." Luke 4:18

Jesus read this in the synagogue of Nazareth, His boyhood home, from the book of Isaiah (61:1-2). Afterwards He claimed, "This scripture has been fulfilled before your very eyes! It has come true in Your hearing!" How can this be, the people wondered, amazed and marveling. This boy grew up amongst them, they knew his relatives, his mother and father.
Should we not be an amazement to others as well? When they see and hear us, should not our childhood friends think, "There is something different about him!"
When we follow the Holy Spirit in our life, it should not be like some powdered juice we add to the water of our life. It just adds a bit of color and flavor, and that's it. Usually we pray, Lord, come with me, walk with me, and we go our.own.way.
Should we not be more like Abraham? He obeyed God not knowing where God would lead him. He didn't know how long his journey would take, what it would cost him, or what would await him when he got there. He just took one day at a time.
This year marks our 50th year in the family business. Our tag line is "50 years of miracles!" Because truly, that's the reality of our business. Without God, His guiding Spirit, we would be nowhere! My mom, when she started out, she didn't know what she was doing. She had no money, no business background, no marketing skills, but she had a deep, abiding faith in God, and she would pray, pray, pray. Today we continue to pray, that God would show us His face, that God would lead us where He wants us to go from here. Step by step. May His Spirit be upon us always!
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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy