"...it was done in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazorean whom you crucified and whom God raised from the dead." Acts 4:10

When we recite the Apostle's Creed, the statement of what we believe along with other Christians, sometimes we just rattle it off because this is what we've memorized it ever since we were young. But when Peter and the disciples addressed the crowd, declaring that the lame man was healed in the name of Jesus Christ, the Nazarene, the man they crucified, it would have electrified the listeners. How much more when he announced that this same man who had died and was buried, was risen from the dead? That would have been stupendous, mind blowing, eye-widening, teeth chattering news! So why today, when we recite it, do we mouth it like it is nothing extraordinary? Do we really.believe.it?

This season, let us make it a goal to renew our faith in the resurrected Lord, to have an Easter faith, a victorious, life changing faith. Our God is a God of revelation, a God who wants to reveal Himself to us. Let us not miss this opportunity to go through the veil that was torn and into the Holy of Holies (Matthew 27:51).
Lord God, I do not want to have a mediocre faith, just mouthing platitudes in church. May my faith be vibrant, and bear much fruit. May I abide in You, the God who came down to earth for me, who bled and died for me, and who was raised up again!

manuscript of the
Apostle's Creed.
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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy