"It is not right for us to neglect the Word of God..." Acts 6:2

The early church was not perfect, and there were complaints that needed to be addressed. One of them was about the distribution of food to the widows. The Twelve then proposed that those who were complaining, those who spoke Greek, would choose 7 men to be appointed to this task so they, the apostles, could concentrate on prayer and preaching. When these 7 prudent, spiritual men were chosen, the apostles laid hands on them to pray.
Suddenly these apostles were leaders of a growing community. The increase in members was exponential. How did these men handle it? First, they knew their priorities, "It is not right for us to neglect the word of God in order to wait on tables." Second, they submitted their idea to the community, giving parameters. Then they pushed through with it when the community unanimously approved it. After that, they prayed over the men for God's blessing.
Lord, help me to put you first in all my endeavors. If you called a bunch of fishermen, a tax collector, a zealot and tradesmen, to grow Your church, You can also call me to do things for You. May I always know my priorities, and look to You for guidance in all I do.
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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy