I decided to join the #The100DayProject
on Instagram at the last minute.
My theme is #100DaysofFavoriteQuotes.
Let's see if I can sustain it!
It should be something you can do
in a few minutes or you won't be able
to continue the project for
a hundred days!
I keep using this quote in my paintings:
"God found the muddiest parts
of my heart and
planted flowers."

"Even if God whom we serve will not save us, know O King, that we will not serve your god or worship the golden statue which you set up." Daniel 3:18

For each martyr or saint that God saves from death, there are probably hundreds of thousands that He doesn't and prefers to bring home to Him. In this story of Daniel, the King Nebuchadnezzar made a gold statue 90 feet tall and 9 feet wide, and he commanded that everyone bow down to it at the sound of a musical instrument. Anyone who doesn't would be thrown into a blazing furnace.
When it was found out that some Jews put in charge of Babylon defied this order, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were then called before the King. "Is this true?" the King asked, "I will throw you immediately into the furnace! What god can save you from my power?!"
But the three obstinately refused to bow down, saying, "Our God whom we serve can save us. But even if He doesn't, Your majesty can be sure we will not worship the golden statue you set up."
Today there are no golden statues we are ordered to bow down to. We will not be thrown into a furnace if we do not follow a King's orders. The ways of the enemy are much more subtle. What are the idols today? Can it be ourselves? If we put ourselves before God than we are our own idol. If we reject God and His commandments, making our own rules and following our own path, if our purpose and goal is self-fulfillment and happiness, can we say that we are not our own god? I am not exempt from this tendency.
I keep hoarding more and more things like the man in the Luke 12 who thought to build bigger storehouses for his crops. But I do not have time enough to make use of all that I have! Jesus ended His parable with the wise instruction: "Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God!"
Lord, may I realize my many follies. Teach me to put You first and to stop doing the things that bring me farther away from You.
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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy