Saturday, January 18, 2020

Follow Me

“Follow me.” Mark 2:14

Just as Jesus called the tax collector, Levi, when he was sitting at his customs post, Jesus calls us as well. Tax collectors in Jesus’ day were well known sinners. Today, it is the same. I know someone who quit his job in customs because of all the money changing hands, the guns, because agents have to protect their turf, whether it’s drugs, cars, etc. 

Jesus said He came to call the sinners, not the righteous. He came to call us, not because we are good, faithful, always praying, always reading the Bible, but because, like Levi, we need a savior. Isn’t that good news, that we don’t have to fix ourselves up first, before Jesus will accept us? He wants us to follow Him just as we are! This call to conversion, to walk with Jesus, and follow Him, lasts our whole life. If we fall, take a step back, we can always call on Jesus again. It’s an adventure of a lifetime we will never regret. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy