Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Sowing Seed

“A sower went out to sow.” Mark 4:3

Jesus tells a parable of a sower who sows seed. Some seeds fall on the path, some on rocky ground, some among thorns, and some on rich soil. Only the seed that fell on rich soil produced fruit. 

I thank God that the sower does not tire of throwing his seed at different stages of our life, different seasons. Sometimes I am the path, and the Word of God just falls on my deaf ears. Sometimes I am rocky ground with little soil, and although the Word found a place in my heart for a short time, I just forgot about it. Sometimes I am full of thorns, too busy to nurture the seed in my heart and it produced no fruit. 

But the Sower did not tire. Again and again  He sows His Word until at last I am rich soil that treasures His Word, and ponders it, and tries to obey it. Thank You Lord for Your patience and perseverance. Thank You for not giving up on me. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy