Saturday, November 12, 2016

Sharing in the Work of Truth

"Help them to continue their them thus to have our share in the work of truth."
 3 John 6, 8

This short letter is from John the apostle to his friend Gaius. In it, he encourages him to partner with those who preach and teach about Jesus. In the Amplified Bible, it says that we would be fellow workers in the Truth if we provide for missionaries. Many things prevent us from going off and evangelizing in prisons, far off places,  and squatter areas. But I am sure we know some good preachers, teachers, priests, missionaries and even lay people who really go out of their way to be Jesus to others. When we support them financially, welcome them in our homes, provide for them in some way, we may have a part in their harvest. Lord, may I have open eyes to see what I can do, and a willing heart to be a part of the great work You have put us here to do. May I, even in a small way, support people who go out into the field to plant seeds. Teach me O Lord to be generous! 


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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy