Thursday, January 05, 2017

Anything Good

"Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" John 1:46

Jesus could see Nathanael's heart and said he was a good man, an honest man, guileless even. But even Nathanael prejudged Jesus, and scoffed: "Nazareth! Can anything good come out of there?" In Jesus' time, members of the Judean elite looked down on Jesus' humble origins. One author called Nazareth "the most disregarded valley in a despised province of a conquered land."

But Philip ignored Nathanael's question and said, "Just come and see for yourself." Nathanael did come, and because he did, he went on the greatest adventure of his life. For Jesus was no small town, backwoods hick from a dead end town, but King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Nathanael saw miracles, was awed by Jesus' wisdom, and even witnessed Jesus' ascension. 

Today, many people are still impressed with big names with big reputations from big cities. Hundreds of thousands follow celebrities on Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram, buy what they buy, and go where they go. 

Lord, may I not be enamored or lured by the clamor, the sophistication, the enticements of this world. May I listen to Your still, small voice. May I go where You want me to go. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy